The Mead School


The Mead Seven School Skills

We don’t just believe our students learn better and learn deeply. We know they do. We are presented with moments every day where our students surpass not only our expectations, but the ones they have of themselves. This is not something achieved overnight – it is the result of a commitment to experiential, student-led learning in every subject in every grade.

The Mead Seven School Skills represent our overarching approach to education and to creating an experience that leads to Learning That Lasts. With these Seven School Skills as a foundation, Mead graduates have the academic skills, self-discipline and self-confidence to embrace challenges, pursue their passions, and make a difference in their world.

Cover image of Seven School Skills brochure


The Mead Seven School Skills

Download our eBook, 

'The Mead Seven School Skills'

to learn more about our approach - and how it could benefit your child.


Not all schools are the same

The Mead School provides an environment that is comprehensive and intentional. Mead School graduates are Self-Aware, Self-Advocates, Accountable, Flexible, and Resilient Community Builders.
Every child is unique. We are here to help you and your family find out if a Mead School education is the right fit for you.
We are always happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have.

Contact our admissions department today

Download your eBook today