Lego Architecture STEAM Teams Project
Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. These are the components of our much-anticipated weekly Wednesday STEAM block. Students from Kindergarten through Grade 8 are placed into mixed grade-level groups where teamwork, creativity, and fun combine as students collaborate on various projects throughout the school year.
Our most recent STEAM blocks involved a "Lego Architecture" project. STEAM groups had the opportunity to vote on what type of lego structure they wished to create as a team. This process allowed each student to have a voice and investment in the team's decision while brainstorming and critical thinking came into play.
Once each group decided on a lego structure to create, they were challenged to design a blueprint to help guide what they would build. Groups chose to create castles, car washes, houses, stores, and more.
The project culminated in a Lego Exhibit where each group displayed their masterpiece for all to see and explore. As students visited each structure, they filled out a questionnaire that pertained to what they observed. This was a great way to recognize the work and for the students to provide support to their peers. Pre-K also participated!
Enjoy a video of the lego exhibition HERE.