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Message from the Head of School

Welcome to the Mead School! The concept of mastery at Mead goes far deeper than subject matter knowledge and embraces so many other dimensions. Learning here is joyful, reflective, and nurturing, as well as challenging. You will notice on this site the importance we ascribe to specific attributes (our ‘Six C’s’) that we want all our students to develop.  In addition, students are deeply known; they have many of their teachers for consecutive years, and together we form a tightly knit community. 

Our emphasis on learning by experience, the use of outdoor space, the primary role of the arts, and multi-age centers offer a distinctive school day, all of which hearken back to our founding principles, which you will learn about here as well. Our graduates speak to how an emphasis on courageous autonomy made them more adaptable to life after Middle School than many of their peers. 

As life returns slowly to a semblance of normalcy, we are all aware that the world has changed dramatically in ways we are just absorbing. At Mead, we are fortunate in that how we educate children seems extraordinarily aligned with tackling these new challenges.   I encourage you to explore our website and learn more about what makes the Mead experience distinct.

Peter Herzberg, Head of School

Our Leadership Team

Peter Herzberg
Head of School


Paige Fischer

Director for Admissions & Enrollment


Robyn Santagata
Assistant Head of School
for Early Learning


Nikki Miller
Director of Marketing, Communications, & Family Engagement 


Mead Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing, reviewing and approving the School’s mission and policies, and is ultimately responsible for the financial well-being of the School.  

The Board is comprised of current and past parents/guardians, alumni, and members of the community at large. Traditionally, the Board invites the faculty to nominate two of its members to be elected to serve as trustees for staggered terms. The Head of School is ex officio a member of the Board. All trustees hold in trust the good of the School as a whole; they are not elected as representatives of specific constituencies.

The Board’s work is accomplished through its committees. Trustees chair each committee, but members are drawn from the Board, the faculty, and the School community. Board committees include Executive, Operating, ​Marketing, Advancement, Trusteeship, Diversity, Buildings and Grounds, and Finance. 

The Head of School, the administration, and the faculty are responsible for the operation of the School in accordance with the School’s mission and policies as established by the Board of Trustees. The Head of School has ultimate jurisdiction regarding the operation of the School. 

Board of Trustees 2024-2025

  • Kyuhey August, P'25, '32
  • Richard Canning, Advancement, P ’08, ’15, ’16 
  • Patti DeFelice, P '94 , GP, '30
  • Peter Herzberg, Head of School
  • Darleen Hickok, Staff Trustee, P '19
  • Matt Ives, Upper School History/Religion Teacher, The Masters School
  • Jenny Lake, Chair, P '24
  • William Low, Legal Secretary, P ’90, ’92, ’96
  • Jennifer O'Neill, Class of 1974, P '07 , '09
  • Jim Russek,  P '00, '03
  • Robyn Santagata, Asst. Head of School for Early Learning, P ’08, ’10 
  • Kenji Scott, P'33
  • Nicole Stamatelos, P '17, '20
  • Dan Woyke, Treasurer, Class of 1994